Who You Are

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing.”
Zephaniah 3:17
I’ve realized that most of us, including myself at times, don’t really know who we are. We believe that we’re not good enough, not perfect enough and we remind ourselves of all the negative words others have said about us, and the negative words we’ve said about ourselves. We beat ourselves down because of our inadequacies and this blinds us to the truth about who we really are. And you know what, when I think of the love God has poured over us, I have to admit that we have absolutely no idea how He really sees us. We’re so clueless.
This morning when I was asking God what I should share in my next blog, I just felt “Tell them who they are”. You know, in a world filled with lies, the only real Truth is how God sees things. So, to know who you are, you have to look at you from God’s point of view. Luckily the Bible tells us how God sees things from His perspective, so I went to have a look. But going through the Bible, I realised that we sometimes get so used to the story of the Bible, that it becomes just that for us: A story. It loses its realness. I sometimes like to look at the overall picture of exactly what God did for us - to make it real again for me. This always helps my heart understand exactly what an amazing thing it was that He did for us. Let me give you an overall picture:
Some time ago God looked over all the Earth, and saw with great sadness, that man was broken and in utter ruin. In their selfish and sinful ways, His heart was unable to reach theirs. He could never have a close, real relationship with them, and this broke His heart.
To fix this, God sent His son, Jesus Christ, to Earth. He sent Him there, to look just like man, to live among them, love them, and to give His life to them so that their hearts could finally reach God’s. Jesus did this, having loved man so much that the sacrifice He would have to give, would be worth it in His heart.
Jesus allowed man to kill him. He allowed man to torture Him to death, even though He was innocent, so that we could have a loving relationship with God – with Him. Because of what Jesus did, we now have full access to God, and eternal life.
He did that for you. You have to come to the realization that He loved you so much, that if He had too, He would die for only you – if that was what it took to save you.
So, after realizing this, do you have any idea who you are?
God is so in love with you that an innocent person died for you to be together. The Son of God died for you. You cannot underestimate the worth, and love, God has for you. He loves you so much that no sacrifice was too much to be close to you. You are of amazing worth and the love that God showers over you cannot be expressed with words. You are the Bride of the Creator of everything. The jewel of His very creation. The very love of His life.
See who you are in God’s eyes, and how valuable you are. If you realize what a great treasure you are to God, you will learn how to love and respect yourself. Don’t get yourself down, and don’t allow the words of others to get to you either. Always remember who you are in God because the way God sees you is the Truth. No matter what others have said, or what you have said yourself, always remember that you are an amazing treasure and that you are loved very much.
So, this Festive Season, remember what He did for you and remember how He sees you. Remember who you really are.
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.” Psalm 139:13-15 ESV